
What is the best sport for a 4 year old girl?

by Guest60647  |  earlier

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What is the best sport for a 4 year old girl?




  1. gymnastics.  they are so bouncy and flexible at 4, it's a great time to start.

  2. Uhm, hopscotch?  I wouldn't force her into any sport, but try some t-ball and kickball and if she becomes interested, you try harder things a little later on.  Hand-eye coordination is still being formed at that age so don't get frustrated if she has a hard time learning for a while.

  3. One that SHE is interested in.

  4. Skipping or ballet

  5. Soccer is good for 4 year olds.

  6. soccer ballet gymnastics

  7. My town soccer starts at 5, but where my sister live, it starts at 4

    It is a good team sport

    Dance or gymnastics


    Are are good sports for an 4 year old girl

  8. I would think something like soccer, where you're always moving.

  9. ballet (if that can be considered a sport) soccer while get her all worn out and softball or tball will help with hand eye coordination.

  10. Whatever sport she is most interested in.  There are pre-school divisions in just about any sport, there is also ballet/dance classes that help with developing muscles and gaining confidence.  Whatever you pick, it should be something fun for her.

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