
What is the best starter fish?

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I want to start my own coldwater aquarium and was wondering what the easiest/best coldwater fish to keep is. I don't want the ordinary gold fish or coment, i find them boring. I want a unique, fun and easy fish that will get on well along others. Or perhaps two differant breeds that get on well? All answers greatly appreciated. Thanks :)




  1. Goldfish are the easiest cold water fish. If you get a heater and a filter you can start your own tropical aquarium. Then you have many unique fish to choose from.

  2. You are right, goldfish are not the best starter or beginer fish

    here is a list of coldwater fish that make great first fish:

    Barbs - Several readily available species of Barbs are tolerant of temperatures in the sixties, or even lower. easy to care for,  suitable for a community aquarium. These are:  Rosy Barb (Barbus conchonius) Gold Barb (Barbus schuberti),  Green Barb (Barbus semifasciolatus), Two Spot Barb (Barbus ticto).

    Bloodfin Tetra - Both the standard Bloodfin (Aphyocharax anisitsi), and the False Bloodfin (Aphyocharax dentatus) tolerate temperatures in themid sixties.  are easy to care for, and are quite hardy.

    Buenos Aires Tetra (Hemigrammus caudovittatus) -  they do well with temperatures mid sixties. Standard varietiesand albinos  

    Croaking Tetra (Coelurichthys microlepis) - easy to care for and are suitable for community tanks.

    Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) - many attractive variations

    Hillstream Loach es -  Not all of them like cool temperatures, but do well with temperatures in the upper sixties.

    Native Fish - A variety of North American native fish . Virtually all of them tolerate cool water. Availability varies from state to state, as do laws regarding which species may be legally kept in home aquariums. Keep in mind that some will become too large to keep in a standard aquarium.

    Pearl Danio (Brachydanio albolineatus) - Like the zebra danio, this fish is very hardy and easy to care for. It will tolerate temperatures into the mid 60's without difficulty, and is easy to find. They are larger than zebras, but need not be kept in schools.

    Weather Loach (Misgurnus angullicaudatus) Can do well with temps in the fifties, and it makes an excellent candidate for a coldwater tank.

    Wimple (Myxocyprinus asiaticus) Freshwater Batfish. This is a unique fish to have. mid sixties.

    White Cloud Mountain Minnow (Tanichtys albonubes) - Easy fish to care for.

    Zebra Danio (Brachydanio rerio)  mid sixties, and are very easy to care for. Long finned species are available, as well as a popular leopard spotted variety.

    ide or orfe, Leuciscus idus Great for outdoor ponds when you can find them

    Red tail sharks if keeping the water below 78

    Good luck with your cold waterThere are many other coldwater species I could cover, but the above list should give you enough options to get started. Good luck with your coldwater aquarium

    PS I would choose the barbs and tetras

  3. We have had good luck Plecos in cold water and they keep the tank clean an extra plus. They get along well with goldfish and Coi as long as they have a log or cave area to hide in so the goldfish do not eat their tails.

  4. You said it, goldfish are quite boring. But they are a good start! Otherwise, go to your local pet shop and ask them for their professional opinion.

  5. Mollies are fun and easy to maintain. But you need a filter,hiding places and an air bubble thing. They are really good with community fishes but not with fighters. Good luck (:

  6. Coldwater - if you are looking in the fish store I can suggest several.

    How big is your aquarium?   this will limit/or expand the number of fish and species.

    there are some common feeder fish which can become great pets - only problem is to look out for diseases (try to get a smaller store with less crowded tanks for these).  

    Mountain Cloud minnow is a small peaceful fish (usually upper level of  tank).

    Rosy Red Minnow is an often overlooked peaceful fish which grows to about 3-4 inches, loves caves and breeds readily in them.  lower-mid level of tank.

    Danios do fine without a heater, which opens the doors to quite a few species of danio.  Usually very peaceful and never sit still.  top of tank.

    These three will all live peacefully together.

    If you are after coldwater as in wild minnows/fish from lakes and steams it all depends on your location and laws - if this is what you are after, feel free to email me for additional help.

  7. goldfish is easiest u can get a few coldwater fish that get on ok try in our local petshop

  8. Believe it or not, goldfish requires a lot of experience and they produce many wastes. Guppies are easier and really active!!! They are also easy to breed. But becarefull not to have too much of them, as they can populate really fast!!! . Or you can get a Betta, but u can only buy one of those since they are aggresive sometimes. Hope I helped!!! :D

  9. I think glass fish are pretty easy started fish. They are hardy fish that really don't need a lot of attention.Glass fish get along with many kinds of other fish, but will bite fish with long tails. Female betas are a pretty good fish to keep to. They don't need a lot of space and they get along with others. They usually live longer than other fish to, thats why i like to keep them. I've had both types of fish myself and they are both really easy to keep.

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