
What is the best store brand eye make-up remover, something I can buy at Target, Oil-Free Please

by Guest64726  |  earlier

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What is the best store brand eye make-up remover, something I can buy at Target, Oil-Free Please




  1. Cold Cream is the best! Pond's makes it, and I am sure other companies do to! My Nana got my Mum hooked on it, and then me! It is amazing.. you will spend like $6.00 on it but it will last forever. For best results, rub it on and then tissue off. I advise washing your face after, it is a heavy product.  

  2. i heard vaseline is suppost to be good!

  3. Almay Oil-Free Eye Makeup Remover Wipes.

    They're fabulous, and have lasted me a year.  

  4. Neutrogena

  5. L'oreal's Oil-Free eye makeup remover. I LOVE it.

  6. Almay oil-free makeup remover there are pads and liquid (or whatever its called)  

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