
What is the best strategy to crush your opponent in chess?

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What is the best strategy to crush your opponent in chess?




  1. Just play solid chess seize control of the center and the lion share of squares and space on the board with your pawns and your pieces strengthen your grip on the board and strangle your opponents army air to breath then you move towards him.  It's very important to see your chess army as one united fighting force not as separate men every piece has to work in sync with all the other pieces and pawns very closely.

    Good communications and coordination among all your pieces is *necessary* for defense and for any attack to work when you execute that's how you really win at Chess.

  2. Start off by developing all your pieces, and planning everything that your opponent will do.  Don't rush ahead, play strong and steady - your opponent will eventually beat them-self.  If that doesn't work, you'll have to cheat.  Good luck!

  3. Make moves so that he has to react to your moves.  If he is always reacting it is like he is backing himself into a wall.  Just don't let your guard down.

  4. Google "matrixchess" and "bernard parham".You will see the best.

  5. think 2 steps ahead

  6. I found this tutorial good

    There is no golden bullet.

  7. Make use of all your pieces

  8. -> Take out the queen.

    -> Always think ahead

    -> Don't lose your queen.

  9. It's simple, out think your opponent!

    Seriously, asking a question like this is pretty vague isn't it?  It really depends on the intellect, and experience of your opponent.  There have been tons of books written about chess strategy so this really can't be answered in a forum like this and expect to get a good answer.

  10. Try to win material. Which means that you try to take his queen, or rook, or bishop, or knight, but without giving up any of your pieces. Eventually the difference will be pronounced and you will defeat your opponent. Good luck!

  11. Think about what you are asking, if everyone had a perfect way of playing chess, chess would no longer be strategy, it would be the same moves over and over. There is no perfect way to play chess, because other people might have moves to block it.

    Basically, you can do multiple things:

    1) Distract your opponent to make him do odd moves.

    2)As said before, always think, if you don't think then you will lose. Beginners luck does not apply.

    3)Try not to lose your queen.

    4)If you have to lose your queen, try to take out theirs as well.

  12. Skull's Mate

    first move middle pawn

    then move bishop

    then move queen and if thet see it coming too bad

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