
What is the best stuff to treat spots and acne?

by  |  earlier

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i was just wondering what is the best stuff to treat face acne and spots i went the doctors and he gave me some oxytetracycline which i take 4 times a day he told me i get it because i sweat a lot and that is because i go the gym mostly everyday,

So i need to know what else could help treat my spots

Thank you




  1. Hiya,

    Dab the spots, etc, with a ball of cotton wool soaked in a saturated salt solution.

    Make it as hot as you can stand and try and do it 3 times a day.

    This method is also very good for cold sores.


  2. The doctors is the best place bc they have the most amazing treatments =] so you did the right thing by going there. shame your not a girl cos then you could go on the contraceptive pill and that reduces spots...

    hmm well what about if you just continue using what you are cos lets  face it, spots are hormonal. you will grow out of it eventually like us all *touch wood*

    for now just keep clean, exfoliate after gym and this should get rid of the sweat and dead skin cells that lead to spotties.

    god luck and take it easy =] x

  3. Don't touch your face, when was the last time you cleaned your pillow cases? If you don't keep up with that, that can really break your face out.  Just some non drug ideas.

  4. Generally acne responds well to an oral antibiotic in conjunction with something topical for the skin. With regards to long as you clean your face with an antibacterial cleanser (also available on prescription) and generally keep your skin clear, you shouldn't find it to be an issue. When you have been to the gym, always shower afterwards.Heat and sweat creates an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.

  5. Proactive.

  6. 101E Acne Getaway. Chinese herbal remedy.

    There are also a lot of people selling it on Ebay.

    Just put it on cotton wool and wipe over affected areas twice a day and leave for 10 mins before you use any other moisturiser etc.

    Try it for a few months, apparently a 6 month course prevents acne from returning. I haven't had any acne after using this for about 3 months and I just use it occasionally now if I get a bit of a flare up.

  7. drink lots of water

    and dont touch yr face apart from exfoliating daily

    u will b fine

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