
What is the best style of martial arts for a person around 57?

by Guest10968  |  earlier

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i work in the security field, and need a style that would help me subdue people quickly




  1. I would recommend Wing Chung.  It's designed for compact movement and close in combat.  Take a look at this and see if you agree

  2. It depends....when my Grandpa was 84 he still did Choi Lei Fut and Lion dancing (hardcore lion dancing, the professional ones) but, if you're just starting, go with Xingyi, it's a powerful internal style that's also very subtly great and is easy on the body, you don't need huge muscles to knock someone 18 feet away, it's Technique and applicationi of force.

  3. Definitely Definitely Karate!!

    I've been studying karate for 9 years now, its great.

    You learn many take down maneuvers, blocks, punches, kicks, counter attacks, and most of all confidence.

    At age 57, karate is also a superior choice, our sensei is nearly 68 now, and he's great at what he does. He makes fools of all of us younger people. haha

    What style of karate you decide to take is up to you though.

    I would suggest Wado-ryu, Gojo-ryu, or Shotokan.

  4. For a 57 year old, most definately the basics of akido would be perfect for you. Karate and kung fu would be too structured and to speed related for your age. Akido uses the power of the attacker by using arm, shoulder and hip deflections and throws and shows you how to hold a detainee on the ground as long as you want. My best friends dad is 62 years old and i can,t lay a hand on him. It also gives you great technique at inside short kicks to the ankle, knee and thigh. I don,t know where you live but if you buy any martial art magazine they'll have dvds and tapes on akido basics. Trust me it would be perfect for the line of work that you are in. Cheers.

  5. It all depends on your physical health. There are 57 year old people that are in great shape, and some that are in terrible shape. Not to insult, but the older people get, the more likely they are to get injured. For you, I would recommend one of the "softer" martial arts. That means that there is less emphasis on punching, blocks, and kicking, and more emphasis on moving with the opponent. Prime examples of these are either Judo (which translates as "the gentle way") and aikido. With either martial art, it is possible for you to take down an opponent with minimal force. Judo is centered in throws and ground fighting, using your opponents momentum and weight against them. Aikido is more on joint locks and things like that, and it also focuses on using your opponent's movement against them. Both of these are fairly common martial arts, and are are probably in your area.

  6. look to police tactical training. it is designed for just that purpose...while still being legal.

    some will say krav maga..but the entire premise of krav maga is to inflict damage.

    on the traditional side..jujutsu, hapkido, chin na (a sub art of kung fu) will do well.

    go to they have some good police tactical videos..and others as well.

    another great (one of the absolute best) sources is william "hock" hochheims scientific fighting congress ...he offers seminars and has tons of videos too...and he used to be in the army, and also a cop in texas.

    black belt magazine offers some videos by jim wagner...also a police officer and good instructor.

    the thing is with alot of traditional arts like okinawan karate, or traditional kung fu of any style...its going to take you a long time to learn to proficiency. and they often dont follow the legal ramifications of what you do to someone.

    on the traditional side of things...hapkido and jujutsu can be learned relatively quickly.

    i also know a hapkido instructor who was thinking about designing a short, simple course for such situations too, if you'd be interested. he was a marine, and worked in the field of babysitting criminals lol

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