
What is the best supplement to help fight against cancer?

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What is the best supplement to help fight against cancer?




  1. Whey protein isolate. First, it strengthens the cells that aren't infected. Helps protect the liver. Helps detox the body. In a nutshell, it provides the building blocks so your body can manufacture glutathione. This is your body's natural master antioxidant. Another simple food to consider are broccoli sprouts. They are very high in anti-cancer fighting nutrients. You can email me for more details if you wish.

  2. Go to a Health Store and get "Essiac"..a Native Herbal Cancer Remedy...

    May be hard to find...but worth the search.

    Needless to is not Gov. approved

  3. What type of cancer do you have in mind?

    Cancer has many causes, it is therefore more of a syndrome rather than a disease. For instance, cancers can be caused by chemicals, genetic mutations, radiation ect.

    Please elaborate on your question.

    DIM 400mg per day- Di-Indolemethane is a good supplement for female cancers, cervical, breast cancers. As these cancers are influenced by hormonal changes, like oestrogen levels.

    Generally, 1000 - 2000mg of Vitamin C in the form of Magnesium Ascorbate is reccommend for all cancers, since it boosts the immune system to fight back. Please consult an Orthomolecular Medicin Doctor for more accurate and detailed information.

    Hope this helps.

  4. i take iodine, try this site, it's very informative. It also depends on what kind of cancer. But this site is a good start. And if you decide it is something you are interested in, then come join Yahoo Groups (iodine) and the group can answer your questions about this natural way of healing the body without Radiation or Chemo!

  5. To combat the possibility of getting cancer of any kind, a supplement will only go so far.  Watch your risk factors- no smoking, excessive drinking, eat a healthy and well balanced diet, get your checkups as warranted by your physician, and recognize any family tendancies toward cancer.  A "miracle pill" or supplement will only work in conjunction with the above.

  6. i think you have to improve your immunity system by taking Echnisea herb, Propolise , Olive oil, Ginger, Organic vegetables and fruits, pure water, Eat macro biotic foods, take co enzyme Q10 to reduce the bad side effect of medicine, do not eat butter and sager, try to be relax and be sure that you will be better very soon. Drink Lemon juice and any herb can let your blood clean.

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