
What is the best surfboard for head high and over?

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Alright. I am 14 years old, 5'3" and like 110 pounds. My summer board is a 6'0" Channel Islands Flyer II. I can rip on it in the summer in the small stuff (like just up to overhead) but i need a good board for like August - October, for overhead stuff.

Please keep in mind that I am growing (hopefully i'll hit my growth spurt soon) and I am pretty good. I can connect some turns and stuff but don't think i'm boosting airs and ripping like John-John




  1. Honestly, a 6'0" is too big for your size. The smallest board you should have is at least 3-5" taller than you so your small wave board, head high and under size waves, should be 5'6" - 5'8", you will notice the change and possibly start boosting airs soon! If you want to surf waves over-head to double over-head, I would recommend a board 6" taller than your with a rounded squash tail just like your small boards. This way you can still hit the waves like you do on your smaller board. I know you are growing but you shouldn't waste all this time on a board too big for you because you know that eventually you will grow into it. Now is the time to learn so get a board perfect for your height and sell it when you need to get a new one. Good luck!

  2. get like a 5'5' pintail, u want air get a bigger tail

  3. Okay first off, you're gonna grow. Guys can continue to grow into their early 20's.

    6'0" is a good length for now but as you grow and your ability progresses you'll want to consider boards with specific features.

    Wider tails are great for beginners and are better for turns in smaller waves but aren't as good for larger waves. A narrower tail is easier to turn at higher speeds. A round tail would be great for slightly overhead and a pin tail would give you some speed overall. In order to rip and boost airs, this will help. The same goes for nose width.

    The thicker the board, the better the floatation. That can and will change with your ability. There's also the rocker and rails and fins, oh my. There's a lot to consider when choosing a board. Rent whatever a shop will let you try and see what works for you.

    I've heard really good things about the board you have and I encourage you to use it to get even better. It's a fine board for slightly overhead. Because boards cost so much, you're growing, and all the additional features can get pricey... I'd hold off for now but keep all the other things in mind.

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