
What is the best surgery?

by Guest32434  |  earlier

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I am going to be a doctor so to help me my dad is taking me to watch a surgery be done. I'm a teenager and I'm not sure how I'll react, and I'm hoping I won't freak. What surgery would be best for a first timer. That isn't to gruesome just in case. (I know they all are)




  1. appendectomy is a standard procedure so maybe that? when they remove the appendix, because of appendicitis.

    good luck, i want to be a doctor too!

  2. My first surgery was a bowel resection, and it was a very very good experience. I even got to feel the tumor in the bowel after it was removed. Honestly, it wasnt bad to see the blood and guts, i think hollywood has calloused us all a bit. The worst part i thought was the smell, it is rather gross. But the smells and sights are easy to overcome, i think you will be fine.

    Anything dealing with open heart or brain would be a little too much, but a joint replacement, or an appendectomy would be very good.

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