
What is the best system in the world to power your house at the minuium cost?

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What is the best system in the world to power your house at the minuium cost?




  1. San Fransicso. The climate is ideal for this situation. You dont have to pay for heating in the winter, and you dont have to pay for air conditioning in the summer

  2. Heat exchanger and if you are in the right area wind power, connected to the grid as one of the biggest costs of alternative powers is storage cells.

    Passive solar for water is cheap, but not for electrical generation.

    Grow op's use their neighbours power, thats pretty cheap but can land you in jail.

  3. you could use solar panels but if you are living on a farm people use methane to power there houses too!

  4. Solar panels.  High upfront cost, but tons of cheap energy for years on end.

  5. Solar is probaby best if you are willing to not have air conditioning, and be very frugal with power usage. It will require a very large up front expenditure.You still need a heating system as well.

    The next best is to spend your money making your house ultra tight and ultra insulated, then install a Geo Thermal loop for heating and air conditioning. With this system you will spend less than solar and still have good AC and heat and your operating cost will be very low.

  6. This is the three pronged attack on residential energy.

    1) A Geo-thermal heat pump to heat and cool your house. By burying water pipes six feet under ground the temperature is stable and the difference in temperature related to the air will heat or cool your house all year. The only cost is for the electricity used to run the pumps.

    2) Solar voltaic panels will generate more than enough power to run the heat pump plus everything else in the house and make the the electric meter run backwards, earning you money during the day. A wind turbine would work in some areas too.

    3) An electric vehicle in the garage next to the Geo-thermal heat pump being charged up by the solar-voltaic panels will save enough on fuel costs to pay for the panels and heat pump in a fraction of the time. A bonus is that when the batteries in the EV are not giving you the range you are used to they are still good enough to use as energy storage for the house, then you can be off the grid even more, maybe completely.

  7. Governments understand that the current scare campaign generates socialism. It works like this:

    1.Scare everyone into using less power.

    2.Tax the (reduced) power they continue to use (in the name of environmental protection of course), so that the sum of their power payments and tax equals the previous cost of their power which was not taxed.

    3. This way everyone still spends the same and therefore feels no worse off financially, but has simply absorbed the cost in the form of a lower standard of living, and government revenue now represents vastly increased percentage of GDP.

    And after 1 generation goes by, no-one will remember how much better off we use to be.

    So it is a trick to give the government more money relative to the economy, more red tape production, and therefore more control of the individual.

    Ultimately, social engineers hate (loath) individual liberty, for he who is free does not worship the social engineer, but ignores him. Social engineers ultimately want to be treated like messiahs who save people. They love the praise of men (in the name of the environment of course).

    The greatest symbol of individual liberty in the Western World is the motor car (used to be the horse). For years now social engineers have let this go by, but now they are moving in for the kill. In about 80 years, the world will be so controlled that George Orwell's "1984" will look like a night out at the movies.

    If you are one of those people who is concerned about what sort of a world future generations will experience, worry about their liberty, not their trees. You can always plant a tree in a hurry. You can never give billions of people back their liberty once it is locked out of society's thought patterns.

    Don't be fooled by people who say they care about the environment, but who you know deep down inside do not put others before themselves. Look reality straight in the eye, and recognise that man is basically a crook, no matter what clothes he wears.

  8. To save energy we need to go back to the hand pump and privy. The washboard and clothesline. Grow your own food, shoot your own game. Sorry few are willing to do that.

  9. get solar panals they are high priced but thats all you have to pay for as iong as you keep them.

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