
What is the best tasting sweet corn?

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What is the best tasting sweet corn?




  1. I think that silverqueen corn is the best by far.

  2. Silver Queen is definitely the sweetest tasting, but it's hard to find.  But any of the white corn varieties seem to be sweeter than yellow - and I enjoy yellow also.  Silver Queen is just starting to ripen locally - I can't wait til we get some for Sunday's dinner!

  3. The sweetest corn i ever tasted is birds eye corn on the cob.

  4. Every once in a while a true plant phenomenon comes along, and Corn Mirai™ is just such a miracle. This amazing new Corn is so sweet and tender that it has captured the Japanese market, and in the very few American locations where it was available for the first time last year, it became an instant sensation. Gourmet chefs pay premium prices to use it in their recipes, and folks drive for miles to purchase it at roadside stands.

    Despite its Japanese name (which means both "taste" and "the future is coming" -- how appropriate!) and reputation, Mirai™ was developed on a small farm in Ohio. Like so many remarkable things, it was an accident -- in the process of trying to develop new, more disease-resistant varieties of Corn, they created Mirai, which was so delicious that it literally stopped them in their tracks. They knew the flavor was superior to any they'd ever sampled, but because the plant needs to be harvested by hand, none of the big American corn manufacturers were interested. So they went to Japan, where most corn is still grown on small farms and picked by hand. In no time Mirai™ had captured an astonishing 35% of the total Japanese corn market!

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