
What is the best temp?

by Guest33615  |  earlier

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for a pet horned toad lizard




  1. Sigh, if you don't like reptiles, then why under the sky are you on a reptiles forum?? People like that irritate me.  Probably mammal lovers.  I'll never understand them. ;)  Anyways, basking spot should be high, I would go over 105 personally, and that's from growing up in prime Horned Lizard territory.  It regularly gets to 110, 115 air temp where I grew up, horned toads love it.  So anywhere between 100-110 is fine for a basking spot.  At night, do not let it get below 60F.  40f is WAYYY to cold for a captive lizard, not nice to them at all.  General air temperature should be between 85-95, preferably around 90 or a bit warmer.  

  2. I am the proud owner of a horny toad, he does the best at 100'

  3. Here's some links to get you started.  You can never know too much about the animal you own.

    An informed owner is a happy one with a healthy and content pet.

    Good luck, and enjoy your pet.

    I hope this has been helpful.

  4. 95-105 under the basking spot and 85-90 on the cool side and just turn off all the lights at night the temps can drop as low as(but no lower than) 40*f
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