
What is the best temperature to keep gold fish?

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What is the best temperature to keep gold fish?




  1. we kept ours at room temp. and they did all right so that would be my suggestion. but if you really want to know call your local pet store they will know for sure.

  2. 68 degrees farenheit.

    Cool enough to avoid disease, but not so cold that your goldfish won't swim.

    In my experience, anything over 70 causes goldish to lose all of their energy and become disease ridden.

  3. I have always kept mine at room temp and they have always been fine and lived for what seemed like forever for a goldfish.

  4. the best temperature used for the gold fishes is the cement tank;;;;;; as the cement tank maintains the temperature,,,,in the winter as well as the summer. during summer the cement tank is cool and during winter too the temperature is maintained       this is what i have done

  5. If you're room doesn't get to cold in winter and not to hot in summer it should be fine at room temperature. MY goldfish and beta are fine. HOpe this helps.

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