
What is the best thesis for an agricultural engineering course?

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What is the best thesis for an agricultural engineering course?




  1. Compare seeds of the past verse todays engineered seeds.

  2. Design a greenhouse system that maximizes production and output (product) with minimum of input (go as green as you can). You have to deal with heating or cooling, ventilation, insect and disease control as well as growing and harvesting. Look for maximum growing space percentage that still allows for working conveniently. Pick a crop. Location will dictate strategy to employ.

  3. Do an investigation into the poison prediction that Nostradam predicted for the current time period. He claimed that people will    

    start having complaints in their left arm.Then they  die. 1/3rd of planet. also predicted by others.  Fortunately an antidote is found. Unfortunately a nuclear war is triggered. All the cattle and sheep are destroyed. He seems to accuse the space shuttle columbia of dropping a genetic bomb .

    Perhaps a feasibility study on his genetic bomb story would be interesting.

  4. I would suggest that if you don't have an adviser to ask that question that you should get one. Selection of a thesis is usually something that is line with the work that your major professor is interested in and doing himself.

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