
What is the best thing about middle school and the worst thing about it?

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I am going to middle school next year.

Thanx in advance!=)




  1. I like it and i have recess still just no equipment just a parking lot with tables

  2. Best: Much more fun! The dances! Friends!

    Worst: Popular people (There will be popular people in middle school. Good and bad ones) and pointless drama (Stay away!)

  3. meeting new ppl and friends boys

    all tha backstabbing and rumors and drama

  4. Middle-school is a tough time for a lot of kids. Just stay out of trouble, keep your grades up, don't mouth off to your teachers, and you'll be fine.

  5. The best thing about middle school...

    More than one, actually,

    If you hate a teacher, you only have them for part of the day,

    You meet more people because different schools are combined,

    You have electives (home ec, wood shop)that you can choose

    Heehee, boys!

    Some of the worst things...

    PUBERTY!!!! Most of us girls get our periods during middle school, and my friends get prettttty cranky sometimes.

    You can easily be hated by a girl beacuse you start doing different things, (wear makeup, have different clothes)

    You may find your friends drifting away from you to other cliques

    It's a lot harder to keep grades up and pretty.

    Good luck in middle school!

  6. the best:u can make new friends

    the worst:u can get detention 4 stupid c**p at least my skool u can

  7. The worst thing is the insane drama. Oh, the drama you will have! Avoid it as much as possible. Stay out of stupid girl stuff. Girls turn on each other so easily at that age. (It gets better when you get a little older.)

    The best thing: between girl fights and stupid stuff, you'll have a lot of fun that will make for good do-you-remember stuff a couple years down the road.

    So try to have fun and enjoy your friends. : )

  8. the worst thing for me i think is you get juged quicker and are more likely to get compared to your freinds and peer pressure, The best is that you get more freedom to do what you want and you dont have to be so dependent on others

  9. Best thing actually I feel is more teachers! So your not stuck with the same boring one the whole time.

    For me middle school was good nothing so bad but i would say worst was when you dont do homework you really drop your grades and homework is annoying.

    I got used to the fact of no recess but its still not as much of a place ot be playful like elementary.

  10. well for me middle school was soooo much fun. I had the best group of friends because they always made me laugh and we made everything fun!! (even the embarrassing stuff)

    I had an AWESOME science and social studies teacher who was alot of fun. but middle school was alot about friends for me. but school work was important to me and also sports.

    Middle school is really a time to have fun and relax before high school.

    Trust me ull enjoy it. the only thing that bugged me if ALL THE DRAMA!!! theres going to be ALOT of drama, weither you like it or not. it really sux.

  11. Best Thing: Lockers

    Worst: Boys

  12. the worse thing is more teachers and no recess. the best think is your more grown up you see your friends alot and make lots of memories.

    you'll have alot of fun!!

  13. Middle school can either be a happy experiance or a terrible one. You get to decide that. Advice, don't cause drama just to cause drama, be PERFECT the first two weeks so your teachers won't breathe down your neck, and have fun! The best part is changing classes. The worst, bad teachers and more drama. But like I said, drama can be avoided! But they frown when you avoid a teacher. Have fun and enjoy these special years!

  14. zomg no recess.... QQ but u has more independence i think cause u can get ur own locker and manage wat the h**l u have in it. worst thing is dont be a nerd cause bullies actually step up in middle school :P

  15. the worst thing - all the drama!

    the best thing - it's easier then highschool!

  16. Pluses:

    1. Independence

    2. A lot more people means alot more friends

    3. More than one teacher, so if you don't like him/her, you are only stuck with them for about a hour a day.

    4.Dances are a blast in middle school


    1. The first day is nerve-wrecking.

    2. No recess

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