
What is the best thing about your public school?

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My kids go to Montcalm Elementary here in southern West Virginia. It has a smaller class size than average. My two boys Michael and Matthew will be in Pre K. I think they are doing great. I have consider doing some online schooling programs to enhance their learning ability. Rather it be a summer program or part time substitute. I have considered private school because as a good parent I think you should consider all options. I think about the expense. The schools capability to teach my kids. My kids school is a rural area, the test scores are above average. I don't think the kids can go wrong if they are willing to work hard. Especially with the help of the internet. Feel free to answer the question anyway you want or just give your experience or your thoughts. I appreciate your comments.




  1. I go to a high school in michigan. Best thing about it, great education and teachers, fairly new school (1995), located in a higher middle class suburb, one of the best in the state, and our varsity football team won state champs two years in a row!! Great School!!!

    For some reason, ppl are talking bout middle school, yea, middle school really sucks, lots of drama kids are in the push/pull of a kid and teen and they act really weird, trying to act mature when in relaity they havent a clue on how to act.

    As of your idea, you may want to try it, get the best for your kids. I hear rural schools are not always the best, but if test scores are above average, then wwhy not? I mean if the public school is safe and has good teachers, high test scores, and good education, why not keep your kids there.

    Good Luck!! =)

  2. The Football and Lacrosse teams.our school was 14 in the country for lacrosse in 07-08. and football our modified team kicked. and our school is funny.

  3. i hate middle school its crazy i had to much drama in 6th grade I'm going into 7th and idk the guys always make fun of me and some girls are just mean to me but yeah the only good thing was some of the teachers [=

  4. My son is 30 makes a 6 figure salary & is against private school. He did well in public school. He was at the top of his class which is good for a kid so it might help you guys to feel like leaders. As long as they still feel that way getting out into the big world. I grew up in Baltimore City & went to public schools. I loved that we had such diversity of people. So on Jewish Hollidays which started in Sept. you knew who was Jewish & of course you knew by looks the other things that made the backgrouds different. So we were all so different we were all just one group that appreiciated each other. It was so much fun. I live in a white christian area now & it is just not the same as when you have diversity. It is also nice to have different incomes if people are nice but people might not be as nice now as they were when I was growing up...My son says he learned about life, reality where in private school you get shut out, protected from certain things...the teachers in public school might also be more diverse that private school & have more freedom to teach from the heart. This can add to the teaching I think but it can also cause a teacher to do a bad job...I would go to the different school playgrouds & talk to the people you meet & see what you find out.

  5. middle school was all right. i m going into high school and the PISD rules are retarded like you cant have pda (something to do with hugging and kissing) even though we did it anyway but the teachers at my school are either really nice or really mean, mostly nice though. the best thing was being with my friends

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