
What is the best thing in life?

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  1. The best thing has to be love as that multiplies into so many other good things, such as, happiness, contentment, sharing, giving, etc, the list is endless.

  2. The best thing in life is music! MUSIC=LIFE

  3. LOVE

  4. My wife and our children, wife's love.  And my mommy.

  5. i think that children are the best thing in life they bring joy .

  6. I'm not sure that there is just one best thing in life. Not for me anyway. But if I had to narrow it down to just one, I'd have to say being a parent. Second on my list would be finding True Love !

    I hope that one day fate will hand you both of these pleasures.

    Good Luck

    Blessings to you


  7. The best thing in life is God's Love for everyone and Freedom.

  8. my grandchildren, i can spoli them give em candy and send em home to thier moms

  9. When you have a moment of sincere happiness.

  10. safety

  11. Peeing on someone or getting p--ed on.


    Watersports category, haha, get it?


  12. 5'oclock Friday!

  13. To help somebody in need

  14. softball duh

  15. to know and feel love deeply(like from being a mother)

  16. living

  17. When i saw this in the water sports category, i assumed you liked golden showers

  18. basketball

  19. LOVE ture love

  20. Being a Mother

  21. love... all things happen cause of love... you eat for love (you love food or love health...etc)... you fight for love... you breed for love... you live for love....

  22. I like adventure.

  23. my lovely fianceé and music

  24. I've got to go with God.  Okay, Him or ice cream.  It's a tough choice.

  25. wasting time

  26. Meeting you.

    10 points?

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