
What is the best thing to clean a hamster cage with?

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i know they sell stuff at the petstore but what is the best at home product to use. right now i use a dish soap that is an antibacterial. i make sure to rinse really well though. i was wondering if there are any safer and more affective things to clean with? i heard a bleach and water mixture but that kind of scares me.




  1. I wouldn't use bleach and water. If you really want to get it clean, a water and vinegar mixture will safely do the trick, and if you don't like the smell, you can follow with the dish soap if you like, but rinsing well should get rid of most of it. But yeah, water and vinegar. The bleach would be ok as long as you thoroughly rinsed the cage, but it can be pretty easy to miss a spot, so I wouldn't take that chance.

  2. I use dish soap to clean off individual items like bowls and whatnot.  You could also use baking soda if you want to use something more "natural."  You can use a mixture of vinegar and water to wipe down the inside of the cage, which would be much better than a bleach solution.  Bleach is too strong and can be harmful to your hammie.

    Hope that helps!

  3. I use this superpet clean cage stuff, and itreduces the odor. I get it at petsmart. Here's a link:

  4. Normal dishwashing liquid or dish soap should be fine for cleaning the cage. Just ensure that you dry it thoroughly to prevent build up of moisture. For removing stains, you can use a mixture of vinegar and water and then wash it off completely. I always dry my cage in sunlight for a couple of hours to kill any bacteria in the cage. Do not use bleach mixture, especially when you have plastic cages, not really good to use on plastic. If it is a glass tank, then you can use bleach.

  5. What I do is I fill the tub with water and then add some simple green, then you put the cage in the water for maybe five minutes. After five minutes is up, you take the cage out and put it back together. It can be a little tedious but gets the cage nice and clean.

  6. The soap is fine, but you can also buy a spray at the pet store called Clean Cage. It is safe for hamsters and it has a pleasant scent. It makes cleaning the cage so much easier and quicker because you just dump out the bedding, spray and wipe. I don't want to recommend something I'm not 100 percent sure about though (like bleach, and if I were you I wouldn't use it because I don't know if its safe). Stick with the soap if you're unsure. Good luck with your hammy!

  7. I clean my dwarf hamsters cage with dish soap and warm or hot water as well, and rinse really well. What you are doing sounds good, but i wouldn't use antibacterial, as germs,overtime, can build up a Resistance to the soap. I use just regular non antibacterial soap.

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