
What is the best thing to do for a stye?

by  |  earlier

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I would appreciate any advise,been battling this for almost 2 weeks.




  1. Warm Compress a few times a day

  2. My first recommendation would be to see your doctor or an opthamologist, to determine exactly what you actually have.  Most of the time, a stye or chalazia will go away on it's own if you don't  mess with it a lot.  You can apply moist heat packs to encourage it to drain itself, but sometimes you need help from the doctor if they get really stubborn.  In the meantime, you have to leave the contacts out, and you need to dump all the eye related makeup.  The makeup will be contaminated with whatever bacteria has caused the infection, and if you persist in putting it on, you just continually re-infect yourself.  Given that you've been at this for 2 weeks without an improvement, I think it's time to see the doctor now.

  3. Place warm (moist) towel on your eye for 20-30 minutes three or four times a day.

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