
What is the best thing to do if you are being attacked by an alligator?

by  |  earlier

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i really wanna know because i like preparing for those kinda things




  1. I doubt it will ever happen, but if the alligator does get your arm or something, it will roll and try to rip it off, so roll with it to reduce damage until help arrives. Also, don't try smacking it or anything. It won't do anything but make it pissed.

  2. if it has ur arm and u r in the water reach into its mouth with the other hand and pull on a little thing it has inside. i am not sure wat it is or wat it looks like i just no someone did that once on tv and it almost drowned the alligator so he let go

  3. Say your prayers!

  4. RUN!!

  5. If you're not in its grasp, run like h**l. Alligators can run up to 10 miles per hour on land, but only for a short distance. Put as much distance between yourself and the alligator as quickly as you can. Chances are good that you can outrun the animal.

    Get on its back, if the alligator attacks you on land. Push down on its neck to force its head down. This prevents it from securing you with its jaws. An alligator has almost no strength in opening their jaws, just in closing them. Also, try to put your hands on its eyes. This can be effective in stopping an alligator.

    Punch or kick the eyes, nostrils or ears, if the alligator attacks you in the water. Poking an alligator's eyes or delivering a hard blow to the snout or ears can make the alligator release its grip on you. Now you have a chance to run away.

    Also, the thing in the gator's mouth the person mentioned above is called the palatal valve which prevents water from entering its throat. If your hand is already in its mouth AND you're in the water, you can try to pry it open as they mentioned, causing water to pour in the gator's lungs/belly so they will release you.

  6. 1) Stay away from alligator infested waters

    2) Stay away from golf courses in Florida or Australia (works for crocs, too)

    3) Pray VERY hard...and MEAN every word

    4) Run even harder

  7. if the alligators mouth is closed use your hands to keep it clamped shut so it cant bite you. Don't attack it or it'll rip you to shreds. and if it grabs a hold of your clothes and none of your skin, run as fast as you can in the opposite direction so the garment will rip and you'll be free.

  8. pour a lot of pepper on yourself so he'll sneeze you back out.

    really, they have tons of power in closing their mouth, but no strength to open it. best thing is try getting a hold of while its closed.

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