
What is the best thing to do if you got hold of working visa for dubai and you're about to exit Saudi?

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This question is for direct hired Filipinos who have experienced transferring from an employer in Saudi to another employer in dubai with a working visa and with a limited time. Is it better to go directly to Dubai after exiting from Saudi or to go back to the Philippines first process documents necessary (POEA) and from there to Dubai?




  1. The best thing for you to do is go directly to Dubai and have your employment visa converted to residence visa by having your medical check-up first. Medical check-up documentation will require

    2 x passport copy photos

    1 x copy of your passport

    1 x copy of your employment visa

    Fee of around Dhs. 250.

    Going straight to Philippines from Saudi will do more harm than good in your case having eventually an exit visa from Saudi.

    If you do this, POEA will not issue you an OEC since you are a returning OFW with an exit visa. Niether OWWA will issue an OEC in Riyadh or Jeddah as you will be on exit visa only.

    POEA will classify you as an OFW under Namehire Category. Under this category, POEA will ask you to submit an authenticated copy of your Dubai contract with the employment visa and they are going to ask you to go back to the original OFW procedures of :

    1. Local Medical and Dental (costing P5000)

    2. PDO (Pre-Departure Orientation) even though you're done with that.

    3. Clearance

    4. etc.....

    If you will do the other way around, you can have your residence visa

    ASAP in Dubai and have your POEA and OWWA registration and continuation in Dubai itself. No hassle.... just plain cash they want from you....

    Good luck !


    Life is full of sacrifices and in the case of Philippinos.... OFWs make more sacrifices than the government per se. A lot of returning OFW from the Middle East is making this huge mistake of returning first to the country in the emotional urge of seeing ones family. I mean, who can blame? It's for them why Philippinos are there in the first place.

    But the agony of returning back on an exit visa is the worst nightmare an OFW can experience. Frustration, anger, curse, etc.... and the only excuse of the government? Well - for the worker's protection only.... baloney really. They are just after the money. Nothing more......

    You have done enough sacrifice by being an OFW.... a few more months of waiting is what the situation calls....

    Goodluck !

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