
What is the best thing to do in Munich, Germany?

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I will be in Munich for four days in June. I am looking for some fun places to shop, have entertainment, and nightlife. If you have any tips please share. I am also in my late teens, if that will help you.




  1. never been so i wouldn't know but i want to go there i think it might be neat to learn how they do things over there and have a beer with them or some shnitzel don't know how to spell that word

  2. I used to go to Munchen ( Munich ) on business.

    I liked Marienplatz, the Beer Kellers, there are also some great restaurants in medieval type buildings. There will be discos also. Be careful to avoid the nightclubs girlie bars.

    In the day the Englischer Garten, the grand Bavarian Palaces, the fountains and to the south the lakes and mountains. In June it will be great weather. Nice and warm.

    Munich is well served by underground and over ground railway U Bahn and S Bahn get a day or four day ticket its easy to get arround.

    You should also use the trams.

    Thats just for starters.

  3. Go to Marienplatz (which is the main square) and take it from there. There should be markets, the tourist information office, a fabulous clock (like a very large cuckoo clock) and the main pubs are off the side roads. Drink the Bier (Dunkel and Helles (dark and light)), try the best pretzels in the world, the Lebekuchen (love cookies/biscuits) and see if you can spot anyone wearing national dress (the Dirndl). Have fun!

  4. drink beer!!! although its not the Oktober Fest :)

  5. Hofbrauhaus

    Glockenspiels in Marienplatz

    English Garden

    The Museums

    Day Trips to Garmisch, Neuschwanstein, Eagle's Nest

    BMW Museum

    Dachau Concentration Camp

    Try Local Food

    Olympic Fairgrounds

  6. Well,  you are too young to drink, so that's out.  But, my favorite restaurant in Munchen is the Haxnbauer im Scholastikahaus


    80331 München

    Fon +49.89. 216 654 0, Fax 228 301.  Don't be afraid to try the schweinhaxn - I am wicked squeamish but I would tear down a wall for that!  THere are some friendly waiters and you can ask for an Englischer Spiese carte (english menu).  ANy of the brew houses offer good fare other than beer.  I find food in Germany high quality, fresh and delicious.  Not so good on the waist line but walk everywhere and you will be fine.  The brew houses also offer great tradional music that goes late into the night.  On the far end of the Englischer Garten; near the public bath, is a cultural center offering music, ballet and other great things.

    The viktualienmarkt is probably my very favorite thing. I love traditional EUropean Markets. Also, the Dalmayr store selling beautifully prepared and displayed foods. Many of those foods will be packaged so you can bring them back.   THe Englischer Garten is a beautiful and safe walk.  Be prepared - public nude sunbathing is not illegal and you may see people lying nude enjoying the summer.  Youa are also likelyu to see cadres of people on horseback - a lovely sight.  

    You ofcourse know that the WOrld CUp is being played throughout Germany this summer so you had best get reservations for everything.  We were going to fly thru there but could not get a room in a decent hotel, nor in our favorite, the Mandarin Oriental.

    Sites that are fun to see are the Glockenspiel clock at the town hall.  THe Resdienz museum has a neat shell grotto.  It had been, like great portions of Germany, blown to bits and then rebuile.  The Scloss Nymphenburg is very interesting, and they serve a nice nurenburger sausage.

    For me though, I just like to see the Viktualien markt and eat delicious sausage and ham and radishes with cheese or butter, pretzles, you get the idea.  THe Germans are fun, friendly and generally polite.  It is not unusual to see people in traditional bavarian dress.  There are hundreds of shops around the old city center, marienplatz and the viktualien markt.  

    You can rent a bike easily- be careful not to walk in the bike lane of the sidewalk.  If you have any needs to buy anything at a drugstore or grocery store get it before Sunday.  The only thing open on a Sunday are museums and restaurants.  Sit back, enjoy life as the Germans do.

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