
What is the best thing to do when you make eye contact with someone you find attractive?

by Guest59288  |  earlier

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Especially if it happens with the same person more than once?




  1. Smile at the person.. what would be better to let them know you like them and that you are interested and even if they may not reciprocate the feeling nobody who smiles at someone will look like a fool or desperate just friendly .. and if the other person also feels physically attracted he or she will smile back and then one of you should initiate a casual conversation.. there is nothing wrong with that.. if the person returns the smile.. xx

  2. Smile and say "Hi" and if the guy says "Hi" back then maybe he's interested or maybe he is just bein nice....but anywho...try to strike up a conversation...i usually do a casual bump or the which way are you going thing...where you and the person are walking toward each other and neither one of you can decide which way to go...who knows what that is called...i'll ;-)

  3. A coy smile works perfectly, believe me...

  4. *wink*

  5. Smile shyly and let him think you feel "busted" for him seeing you looking.  It just might make him feel the need to call you on it.  Once you get him talking, you're gold!  (Worked for me, anyway!)  Good luck!

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