
What is the best thing to do when your board at home plz plz plz plz HELP!!!!!!!!!!?

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What is the best thing to do when your board at home plz plz plz plz HELP!!!!!!!!!!?




  1. Ask questions on YahooAnswers.

  2. well you can pop some popcorn and watch a movie or play video games.

  3. Guitar Hero

  4. Play a computer game on line or on the computer, read a book, watch a movie or TV, do puzzles such as sudoku or crosswords, call a friend, send e-mails, go for a walk, clean the house, answer questions on Y!A, etc.  There is never any need to be bored.

  5. Play a game you wanna play or a video game

  6. Learn how to spell.

  7. You might start with spelling.  I think you mean "bored". lol

    Think of something you liked to do when you were little, find a way to honor that now.   What did you want to be when you grew up? Get some more info on that subject.   Go to the library.  Read a book.   Tackle a messy closet or drawer.  Call a friend.   Challenge yourself to do something nice for someone without getting caught.  Play solitaire.   Bake.   Paint.  Pray.  Make plans for a vacation or for fun even if right now you dont know how, when or where the money will come from.  Plan it all out.  Do the research on the net...get it on paper and watch it start to trigger other ideas or maybe you will actually follow through.   Take a walk. Water the plants.  Learn to make a paper fortune teller.   Research and make the best paper airplane.  Exercise.  Open up old board games and straighten out the money and pieces...they are actually fun to handle and play with.  Make a new music CD.  Take a nap.   Make hot chocolate, from scratch.  Make a gratitude list.   Notice little things.   Take some extreme closeup pictures.  Make it  your business to notice something of beauty around you.   You've finally got a few minutes to go smell the roses, dont miss it.

  8. play  bob it  or  rubicks cube

  9. well 4 one thing im really bored right now but im think of taking a walk going on piknic with one of my friends calling someone emailing pllp ........ hmm........ making a fort (fun me and my bf hav one) act like ur a famous photo taker and take pics! these ideas are just ideas 4 pllp me age oh yeah guitar hero is fun but its lazy oh another good idea is go rent a reallly good movie and buy candy 4 it

  10. dont play BOARD games. they make me actually bored. just do whatever you ussually do .

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