
What is the best thing to eat before a 9+hour plane trip? What is the worst?

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What is the best thing to eat before a 9+hour plane trip? What is the worst?




  1. It depends on what you want to do on the flight.  I've always just eaten on the plane and the menu that they give me has symbols by the various food selections.  They are marked either "keeps you alert to work during the flight so you can sleep when you land" or "helps you sleep so you can be alert when you land".  The sleepy dishes are usually pasta based. :-)  But on a flight that long they will feed you plenty I think, so you don't need to eat right before the flight unless you really like to eat a lot.

  2. BEST

    --plain water.  try to drink enough to have to get up to go to the bathroom every 2 hours or so.  the walk will be good for your circulation too.

    --if you're used to drinking milk, try hot milk.  Coffee places like Starbucks will make it for you.  It has a calming effect on a lot of people

    --well-balanced fresh sandwich if you're in a country with a good cold chain.  watch out for mayo, eggs if you're in africa or other places with electrical outages.

    --yogurt, fresh fruit, nuts


    --nothing spicy, skip the chili dog, fried food, nachos with salsa

    --nothing salty, skip the chips, cup-of-noodles mixes, salty snacks, beef jerky

    --best to stay away from alcohol.  it uses up more water to metabolize it than it adds to your system, so the net effect is dehydration

    --less meat, more complex carbs is best.  you'll sleep better.

  3. light, as salad,or that you eat every day, of what you know, it doesn´t make you sick. And don´t eat much!

  4. See sites listed below:

  5. Eat something that you eat often...something that you know won't make you sick. I wouldn't eat anything that makes you gasy

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