
What is the best thing to get for Christmas?

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What is the best thing to get for Christmas?




  1. A chess computer would be great.

  2. to know if someone loves you.

  3. uggs

  4. Its the memory/ies to be spent with your love ones of course.Presents are just symbols that you remember them.

  5. i would like the game Clue? i've always wondered about that game... geezzz now i want to play it and i dont have it!!!!

  6. the best thing  to get for christmas is the thing you want the most

  7. World peace and an end to hunger in 3rd world coutries

  8. Peace



    but if you want a physical item:

    An I-Phone

  9. your girlfriends a s s hole... . oops .. . sorry I meant a present from your girlfriend... .

  10. I agree with brently, although you could combine those two things; get the Jesus action figure!!!! lol

    Board game wise though my favourite game is chess, but I dunno depends on the person really.  Good luck and merry Christmas ; )

  11. well i think the most comman anwser would be gifts ....but Jesus can give you so much more ......if you just ask him

  12. If everybody played board games they would be too busy to do their fellow humans harm.

    Peace on Earth, good will toward everyone.

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