
What is the best thing to say on the first day of jury duty to get out of jury duty?

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What is the best thing to say on the first day of jury duty to get out of jury duty?




  1. Jury duty is your civic duty. Get in there and play your part. It's one of the things the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are fighting for in those countries--to have a fair and impatial trial by a jury of one's peers. You shame yourself by trying to get out of it.

  2. There are several techniques.  You can loudly talk up the glories of jury nullification.  This should get you booted pronto.  Last time I was called was for an attempted murder case.  I mentioned during the voir dire that I had had the District Attorney's sister-in-law as a student, knew one of his nieces, was acquainted with several cops and at least four judges.  A lot of people stared, but it got me sent home early.

  3. Tell them that you think our legal system is illegitimate and that both sides in legal disputes lie a lot and that because of these circumstances you don't think you can arrive at a just verdict in any case.

    Harleigh Kyson Jr.

  4. A) that you have mental health issues.


    B) that you don't believe in the death penalty and think conditions in prisons are disgusting, and that youre unsure of the value to the community as a whole of jailing women with children.

  5. Try this: "Your honor, I really don't think I should be expected to participate in a system that's a key part of democracy. I'm lazy, I'm apathetic, and I just don't care about our city and our country. I'd rather spend the day at home eating Cheetos." That should really impress the judge.

  6. Telling them you're a KKK member should do it.  Or you could stop pretending that you're more important than the court system and just sit on a jury.

  7. I hate everyone.

  8. I can spot a guilty person just like that.

  9. Anything that will demonstrate a prejudice against the accused.

  10. How about just go and do your civic duty, instead of complaining about it?!!

    Nah, that's too much work!

  11. Jury Duty is not something you want to get out of.  It is your responsibility as a citizen of this great country.  Trust me jury's need the voice of reason.  LOOK AT THE OJ TRIAL???

    Just go and listen hard and make the best decision.  It's real easy to get on a jury with 11 idiots.  Just stand your ground and make sure that justice is served.


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