
What is the best thing to study ??? what did you study ? and why ?

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i am going next year to university and i still dont know what to study.




  1. I think study to make a new thing is great and fun.

  2. Well, it depends on your interest and whether do you really have the passion for it. I was formerly awarded a scholarship to do mechanical engineering but after two weeks studying it, I realised that eventhough I like the things I had learned but I don't think I want it as a career as during that period, I don't really feel the rush of adrenaline while studying in that field. During my teenage years, I encountered some problems in life and I had to hve some theraphy sessions with two psychologists and it was also at that time, I was really amazed with the way the sessions were conducted like how my psychologist manage to derive my feelings just by the pictures I drew( I drew a picture of two frogs at that time). Both my parents are in the corporate field and their lives revolves around business, management and economics. Despite being brought up in such condition, although I may like the knowledge I had gained in the business field, my passion isn't really there. Finally, I realised that I'm really interested in law and after two years of reading law..I'm totally in love with it. I realised that in this field I can have my own stand as long as I'm able to backed myself up with cases and principles. The part I like most about law is, there're no right or wrong answers as long as your arguments are strong. Although I may be reading law now, I still have the interest in psychology and I promised myself that one day, I am definitely going to pursue a degree on it as it's never too late to gain extra knowledge. Btw, my parents did send me for french, japanese, mandarin,german ballet,computer and piano clasess too but I don't think that I want those field as my lifetime career as there's no passion in it. Good luck in searching your field!

  3. Study something that makes you feel a part of it. Make sure it can build ur career and make a life for u. I studied bio tech coz I was always interested in research . I earned a PG in biotech now lookin forward for research. I chose it as I have the passion for it .So choose something tat u hav a passion for and stay clear on your goals,so that u might not wander from your path

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