
What is the best thing to used to repair cracks on your concrete slab roof?

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What is the best thing to used to repair cracks on your concrete slab roof?




  1. I work at Home Depot in the lumber and building materials department.  If your roof is purely concrete (e.g. no black roof coating) then I would recommend a vinyl concrete patcher.  It has a vinyl component in it that will bond to the existing concrete.  Also, it depends on the size of the crack as well.  You may get away with using the tubes of concrete repair made by quickcrete.  However, I would recommend the vinyl concrete because I know it will work and hold up to the elements.  You may have to work it down into the cracks if they are small, but it should be a sure way to void them coming back.  It is a little more than regular concrete, whereas 80 pound bags of the cheap stuff is 3.22, but this is around 10 dollars for a 50 pound bag.  It is much more money, but worth what you are going to get out of it.  We also sell many roof coatings to seal it as well...... Hope this helps

  2. go to lowes or home depot and ask someone there they will show you what you need

  3. This probably isn't correct, I'm not a builder, contractor, etc. but perhaps sealing with a caulk/silicone etc, and going over it with more cement/concrete to patch? Depends on your climate also...

  4. here in the UK there is a product called flexycryl...Ive been a builder for over 40 years and this product is the best ...but only by a million miles ..and then some !

  5. Use Butyl Rubber Coating, Aromatic Polyurethane Coating instead of Prime Lock Bonding Primer as the adhesive for Poly Scrim when installing the Solvent Based System.

  6. Depends why  and what you want to repair. Go to the  sika

    site  Depends what you are looking for, but try looking at sika

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