
What is the best thing you have experienced that came from FAILURE.?

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What is the best thing you have experienced that came from FAILURE.?




  1. A second chance.

    I was retained a year in school because I failed everything, and the new beginning was good for me. I got really good grades for my O levels.

  2. My husband left and sent me divorce papers while I was seven months pregnant. Gave birth and car got towed, drs said baby was death in one ear. husband didn't see our son until he was two weeks. I sinked into a deep depression. Cursed him out! even tried to beat him up! broke into his apartment was humilated in front of tons people bc of my outrage. It was one night in particular when i saw my self as a gentle bystander seeing me act a fool which i learned patience, perseverance, character, temperance, self-control, humbleness, compassionate and forgiveness. that experience was the darkest lowest point of my life and I wouldn't trade it for all the money in the world.  It made it through that which in result I know i can make it through anything! It made me stronger, a conquerer, and I will trust God to the end!!

  3. My first marriage failed, but I experienced a deep and passionate romance like none ever written in a Harlequin novel, and, I was blessed with a beautiful, intelligent, easy-going, giving, all around incredible son who is now almost 21.

  4. It was such a perfect magical once upon a time fairy tale like love story that seem so real and lasting. An overwhelming passionate brief moment of love that seems to come into an end. May be it will. As there is no stronghold of genuine love in its sense. Its like the most bitter failure I'd come to think of but the sweetest thing that ever happened in my life.

  5. Fortunately we have learned that the Cubs will NEVER win the world series!

  6. That a series of Failure can lead to success. Life is not easy and I failed a lot of times in this life, Relationship, school, myself, morality etc. But once we learn from our failures. We can lessen and failures and come up with success.

  7. My last suicide attempt!  I received a new lease on life!

    And, boy howdy, my life is terrific now!  :D

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