
What is the best time in the world for a well-deserved nap?

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Yes, I have earned it today.




  1. You first have to work your way through a labyrinth chased by a sleep-deprived and irritable Minotaur. Having bested the beast, you must answer a Bridgekeeper's riddle while having no more than three fingers touching one another. Then, after ascending Mount Doom, you have to single-handedly battle a horde of immortal zombies using only a toothpick that you stole from the fiery pits of a ridge-back black dragon. Completing this, you must only find the map of illusions that will take you to the final resting place of the Behemoth whom you must win over to your cause speaking only in song lyrics.

    ....only then, and then alone, should you have a nap.

  2. when you are fully tired.

  3. When the need beseiges

  4. Whenever you please.

  5. ...when you're tired and want a cat nap...

  6. It is called a siesta. I think all nations should endorse a siesta especially because it can reduce power consumption at what is otherwise peak power usage time.

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