
What is the best time of day to deliver a valentine's?

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What is the best time of day to deliver a valentine's?




  1. We have a tradition in our family where we leave small gifts and Valentines on the breakfast table for the kids to find.  My mom used to do that with us, and the kids love it!

    With my husband and me, sometimes we exchange in the morning, sometimes after work and school...and sometimes late at night, when the kids are asleep...and sometimes all three of those times.  

    We enjoy giving each other several small things...and sometimes a big gift, too...

    Any old time I get a Valentine is the RIGHT TIME!

  2. All day long!

  3. The Evening While The Person Is At Work Or If The Person Is At Home Den In The Evening To?

  4. there is no set time, but sometimes its nice if the valentine is delivered to your workplace-that way the girl can kind of brag to her co-workers before she takes her gift home.

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