
What is the best time of year to buy a kayak for a good deal? also, what is a good kayak for a beginner?

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What is the best time to buy a kayak in the midwest area?Also....i am a completely new beginner in the kayaking world. What is a cheap but not crappy kayak that would be a good deal for me. should i get a used kayak and if so where would i find one? i dont want something really fancy and i dont want something flimsy and weak.




  1. Try to know about the types of Kayaks available in the market.

    You can follow the following links:

    Then decide according to your budget and type of your need  for kayaking level.

    To know about buying a kayak you can follow:

    I think best season to buy kayak is off seasons.

    If you ever want to visit India for River Rafting and Kayaking please contact us at:

    The large number of rivers in the Indian Himalaya make it possible to run anything from mellow class II to committing class IV and V

    As an experienced adventure travel company, we follow all safety and security regulations on all our remote kayaking, rafting and trekking expeditions.

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