
What is the best time of year to find gensing?

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What is the best time of year to find gensing?




  1. The wild ginseng Harvest Season is from August 15th to December 31st of each year.

    It is unlawful to dig wild ginseng for the purpose of sale or export on any date not within the ginseng Harvest Season.

    This accomplishes two things:

    1) the plant has time to produce fruit and set seed,

    2) the ginseng root has time to reach a marketable size. Ginseng roots are heaviest in the fall based on the plant’s biology and physiology, so it makes sense to harvest roots late in the fall. Also, it takes just as much time to dig a small root as it does a large root, so spend time wisely by harvesting only mature profitable roots. ( cit. )

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