
What is the best time of year to sail from the Caribbean to Europe?

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We are talking sailing here, not motoring.




  1. yep, April is too soon and cold and has spring gales.....May June and July...if going to the Med, go via Bermuda and Azores;( fairly light winds but not too far between landfalls)

    if to England  then via Bermuda and New England / Nova Scotia..( good winds, Gulf Stream in your favor)

    get a copy of the North Atlantic Pilot Chart for the summer months......sea surface temperatures,prevailing winds and currents and even ( ugh) icebergs if doing the northern route.....

  2. May June July is when the wind's are at their best and not much chance of rain or Storm's, still check the weather station first.

    may you have the best of luck and a wonderfull journey.

  3. Whenever the water is frozen over.

  4. May to August.    Avoid the Fall Hurricane season.  Regardless....always check weather systems before heading out on long passages.

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