
What is the best time to do reflections of your self?

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What is the best time to do reflections of your self?




  1. on a hefty dose of mushrooms.

  2. During a day off from work or while on vacation.

    Its like a timeout from the game of life.

  3. on long road trips...especially when im alone...

  4. in front of the blessed sacrament

  5. early in the morning...or alone on the beach...or at a yoga class!!

    or... at the spa xD yep. i like that one the most.

  6. before I sleep...

  7. when you're in front of the mirror.. [=

  8. First thing upon waking up before the busy day starts. Reflect on the mistakes you made or things you did right. Ask yourself how could you have done them differently.Did you do something for your fellow man(woman) or was it selfish and why. Don't try to dwell on the negatives or how someone wronged you. It will spoil your day.

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