
What is the best time to visit London Bridge? I mean the time when it Opens Up?

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What is the best time to visit London Bridge? I mean the time when it Opens Up?




  1. It's easy to answer that question because London Bridge NEVER opens - it is made of stone  which cannot move.

    There is a bridge in London which does have cantilevers that open - that is called "Tower Bridge" but it does not open at specified times - it opens only when large ships need to pass through it and you need to look at the Towerbridge website to find out the times on any particular day.


  2. You will have a VERY LONG wait - London Bridge has never opened up.

    You are thinking of Tower Bridge, which was constructed with opening roadways so as to allow the passage of boats into the Pool of London (ie, that part of the River Thames between Tower Bridge and London Bridge).

    Now, it used to be the case that to undertake some regular maintenance checks, Tower Bridge was regularly opened and shut on Sunday mornings (when traffic flows were lighter.) Indeed, London Transport diverted bus services away from Tower Bridge on Sunday mornings for this very reason.

    Try e-mailing "Transport for London" for more info.

  3. TOWER BRIDGE has a schedule of lifts to allow taller ships through

  4. London Bridge doesn't open  -  you are getting confused with Tower Bridge and it doesn't open at regular times, because there is heavy traffic, it only opens when a boat/ship passes which is too high

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