
What is the best toys for my son to get smart?

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My son is just an ordinary kid he's already five years old and going to school for preparatory grade this coming school year,I want him to be bright and improve his interest in studying reading and writing.what particular toys and reading materials should i give him.




  1. give him your whole heart and  make studying fun don't pressure him too much understand his mistakes

  2. give him you love...

    give him computer!!!

    and let him play neopets!!!    sure he is!!!

  3. A leapfrog or you can try these websites:

  4. You.

    How you interact with him & the examples you set.

  5. In his room, construct or buy a bookcase with accessible shelves and fill it with all sorts of picture books. Don't ever lock up a bookcase if you want your child to be interested in reading! As for toys, it's a pity that toy stores don't carry mind-stimulating games anymore. Remember the Master Mind pocket game? It's a great logic enhancer. Choose toys that would enhance his logic, because that's the basis of intelligence. You can buy the simple four-in-a-row game, magnetic writing pads, modeling clay, and Lego sets to flex his creativity.

  6. I disagree with the parents who believe that children should never play electronic games.  My son is 4 yrs old, and he has been using the computer since he was 2.  We discovered how much he loved it one night when he was sick and crying, and I sat with him and played a Blue's Clues game.  He immediately began laughing, and the next day he wanted to try it himself.  I am not saying that he has full reign of the internet, but instead I set him up with his own screen name to log onto the computer, put all of his approved websites in his favorites, and let him explore.  There are a ton of educational games and is his favorite.  

    I also read to him for at least 15-20 minutes each day, and he has plenty of other toys that keep him stimulated.  He goes to preschool and interacts with other children his age, and thrives there.  But he enjoys the electronic and interactive ones the best.  He also has a VSmile game console, which is an educational gaming system for preschoolers.  

    My son is going to be starting Kindergarten in the fall, and is already beyond a 1st grade academic level.  I am not attributing it all to the computer or the games, but I do know that he has learned a lot of things, from coordination skills, to logic, to math and spelling.

    I think that anything that stimulates your child's brain can be a good thing.  Of course, we have to use our judgment and moderate it for them, as they don't usually know how to do it for themselves at such a young age.

  7. companionship and friendship and love and make learning fun

  8. there are a lot of toys that will claim to make your child smart, but the main thing is that you interact with your child while he's playing with any toy.  If you really want to know the truth a child can find joy in anything even a brown box and a couple of sticks.  You simply need to use his/her curiosity to teach them.  When you go to the store talk about what you are doing and the things that you see on the ride to the store.

  9. The great outdoors. The more of Nature he personally experiences, the brighter he will be. An education based only on accumulated abstractions is doomed to fail eventually and sets young people up for depression and feelings of meaninglessness.

    1. Binoculars

    2. Smithsonian Toys Microscope that connects with your PC for easy viewing.

    3. Telescope.

    4. Manual hand tools ( handsaws, screwdrivers, hammers, vice-grips, sandpaper, wood, birdhouse kits, play furniture kits, etc.)

    5. Lots of cooking and kitchen play.

    6. Lots of water play. EARLY swim lessons.

    7. LOTS of reading aloud, poetry night for the family, too.

    8. No TV until 10 years old.

    9. No video games.

    10. Homework is done at the kitchen table with father or mother sitting there throughout reading or studying, too. Homework is a family activity K-9th grade.

    11. Multiple languages. Natural learning.  Arrange for playgroups with other languages spoken early on. Even if the child does not remember the language, when heard early in life, multiple languages lay down elaborate, complex neural pathways that serve the child's cognition forever.

    12. Chose many extremely passionate, intelligent, older adults to be nurturing your child, too. Don't just chose a piano class. Go hunting for an older, fascinating, wise human being who happens to also teach piano, for example. Promote connections with many adults and relatives who will always then be on your child's side.

    13. Focus on the first step in the rational scientific method: observation. Encourage your child to NOTICE more in the world around him.  The more that we notice early on, the more associations can be made, significantly enhancing synthesis of information for the rest of our lives. For example, look at ladders and lattices, then whenever you are driving around, make a game of pointing out ladders and lattices. They are everywhere. Children love to discover, to suddenly notice, that which they had not noticed before.

    14. Complexify. Instead of asking which one color the child wants to paint his room, ask, which two or three colors would look good together? Or, instead of just reading a stack of books to a child, also make a stack with them when done reading and fan them out and draw the child's eye to see that.

    15. MUSIC! Classical (especially minute which research shoes enhances learning when played in the background), children's, rhythm and counterpoint. By rhythm and counterpoint, I mean, while nursing or rocking a baby, rock forward, and, on back rock, stroke the baby's leg. Rock, stroke, rock, stroke. Use counterpoint as often as possible in activities of daily life. Complexify it as he gets older.

    16. Memory games. One is: Every morning announce how many memory words there will be that day (4-5 for five year olds). Then, throughout the day, stop abruptly whatever you are doing and say, "Memory word! Memory word!" Then, say a memory word in his presence. Resume your activities and pretend that nothing happened. DO NOT REPEAT the word. He'll learn to pay attention and listen. At bedtime, ask him if he can remember all the words.

    17. Attention enhanchers: One is: Sit facing each other without blinking. First one to blick has to put a penny in a coffee can.  Winner gets the pennies. This really really works well.

    18. Remember: Five senses. Stimulate all five often. Complexify, no junk food, no emotional put-downs, keep stress down (learning is retarded in high stress), and 8-9 hours of sleep every night with regularity. Allow for plenty of free play and musing. Love him lots.  And, frequently blow grossly loud bubbles on his bare belly.

  10. The best toy for a youngster is a loving parent who is willing to spend time with him, and read to him.  Reading to your child is one of the best things you can ever do.  I have 5 kids, 2 are in middle school and a third is in grade school.  All of them were read to often, with the exeption of the oldest.  The two that were read to daily are straight A students.  The one that wasn't read to as often isn't failing, but he isn't setting the world on fire either.  Bottom line, read to your son, and as he increases his ability to read, encourage him to read instead of watching t.v. and playing video games.

  11. love!!!

  12. you should give your son a book million books.

  13. The best thing to help your child learn to read and write is for you to read to him, talk to him and interact with him while he is watching suitable television. The outdoors brings about many questions and pretend play, for a young child. is crucial in developing cognitive learning.


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