
What is the best travel tip you have ever been given?

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My boyfriend and I are headed to the Virgin Islands later this week and I was curious if anyone had any travel tips for us. Some things seem so obvious but you would be surprised at what doesn't occur to you if it isn't something you've been doing all along. So please feel free to share any tips if you have them, I appreciate it...thanks!!




  1. I find that being very organized helps. Make sure you put your passport, tickets, paperwork of any kind in YOUR carry on purse. Make it very easy to get to because you're constantly taking this in and out. . Bring a pen because on the flight they make you fill out a form to enter certain countries and it's just easier to have your own pen then wait and beg for one!

    Money savers: Buy some headsets at the dollar store for the movies. On the plane they charge 5 dollars per set! Bring snacks! Nowadays they charge for food and it's nice to know you have some snacks even if you will buy some food.

    Comfort: Wear layers. If you get hot, you can have a tank top and if you get cold, throw on a cardigan. Have an extra pair of socks in your sweater, it's gross if you have to walk around the security with bare feet!! I borrowed my husband's socks one time, not too pleasant!!

    Well know tip but I made mistake once: Make sure all of your full sized toiletries are in the bag you check in. I got loads of stuff thrown away when it was in my carry on! And for me, I have to bring the full sized stuff! It is at least a week and I need a full sized hair gel!!!

    They say go two hours earlier, but if you know how you manage time, an hour should suffice. All depends on your time management, but one time I went two hours and was trying to waste too much time beforehand. Also, on the plane, don't be afraid to ask for extras and be nice to the flight staff and they may just give you stuff on their own. My husband and I got some champagne once just for conversing with the flight attendent. How sweet is that??? My husband is not a big drinker but I drank his. Even if you don't like what they give you, take it! They will be more inclined to address any other needs you may have later on if they see you're thankful. Almost everytime we ask if we can sit in first class if we see it's empty. We usually get a no, but hey who knows?! LOL As long as you are friendly about it, the staff will either laugh or just say no.

    We were absolutely starving once and asked for extra granola bars and the flight attendent said ok. Also if you want to switch seats, don't be afraid to ask! The worst they can say is no! Have Fun!!

  2. but all your small stuff in baggies it will keep you organized!

    Pack only the stuff you need!

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