
What is the best type of bit to use on a horse that has never been ridden?

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What is the best type of bit to use on a horse that has never been ridden?




  1. Probably a D-ring snaffle bit. Make sure you put the bridle with the bit on it first and pull on the reins before you get on so you can miake sure the horse won't freak out when you pull on the reins.  

  2. Definetly start with just a snaffle. It depends later what you want to do w/ him. If you would like a tucked head set, then I would recomend using a bosal to start with and moving onto either a smaller and more twisty snaffle, or we arabians use pehlems and kimberwicks. but def start with a jointed snaffle.  

  3. a thick loose ring snaffle or a kk training bit (this is like a loosering with a small round lolly like thing in the centre that horses like to suck on) would definetely be the best. the thing to remember with bits is that the thicker the bit, the gentler on the horses mouth. noone should put a thin or unjointed bit on any horse unless you have too. good luck!!

  4. any type of snafle is good....u dont want nothing too harsh because you dont know the horses so a safe bit is any type of snafle

  5. a snaffle

    and the horse your are training could go his whole life with just a snaffle. people use harsher bits for only 2 reasons

    1. they think it will give more control because the horse might be hard mouthed

    2.bad riding ablity and/or experience

    people often think that the horse isn't responding acutley to their hands because they have a hard mouth. they never look at their own faults and try to solve it without hardening the horses mouth on a more harsher bit. so please stick to a snaffle

    a bit is already an uncmfortable thing to have in their mouth dont risk your horse for your training , good luck

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