
What is the best type of boat / dinghy to learn to sail in?

by Guest65845  |  earlier

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I am quite new to sailing what would be the best type of boat to learn in, ie the most forgiving when out on the water.




  1. one that floats!

  2. I used to instruct Level 1, 2 and 3 RYA Sailing when I was a teenager and I learned to sail myself in a Wayfarer.  This is a 2-5 man dingy.  It's a nice size as you can learn the sails separatley to the helm, and as you get more experienced you can race in it.

    Another good learning dingy is a Topper.  Its smaller than the Wayfarer, 1-2 man boat.  You can progress to this after the Wayfarer, but it is much easier to capsize.

    The best buzz however, is to get on a trapeze on a Laser! Can't beat it for small dingy sailing.  


  3. A Sabot. These are the small sailboats that they used to teach the Boy Scouts how to sail and learn the basics.

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