
What is the best type of calcium to take and does it need to be taken with other vitamin/minerals to be absorb

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What is the best type of calcium to take and does it need to be taken with other vitamin/minerals to be absorb




  1. calcium citrate with magnesium, zinc and vitamin D for best absorption

  2. Calcium and Magnesium usually go together.  As mentioned, Vitamin D is needed for absorption of calcium and You can get plenty of Vitamin D from the sun.

    I would not use coral calcium.  It is not in the correct form for the body to use it and will not be beneficial.

    Liquid is the best.  You will want to use a product that is smaller than the opening of a cell so it can be easily used by the cell.

    Also, stay away from calcium bi-carbonate.  It is junk.

  3. Coral calcium.  It has all of the added synergistic vitamins that are naturally included so that you don't have to buy combinations.  Why?  Because coral calcium is "FOOD." - Not synthetic.

    The answer above me is also correct to a large degree, however, our foods are so deficient that we have to supplement, so look to a food supplement source because that is what your body is designed to recognize, not rocks mined from the earth.  

    The plant draws in the minerals we eat, like the coral animal does the same.  The body can metabolize natural sources from plants or animal, but not molecular structures that throw your body out of balance like chelated rocks mined from the earth.

    Take care.

  4. The best form of calcium to take is organic calcium such as calcium ascorbate, calcium citrate or calcium gluconate as organic calcium is absorbed much better than inorganic calcium such as calcium carbonate or calcium oxide.  Calcium ascorbate only contains about 10% of calcium and is taken mostly for the vitamin C content which is about 90%.

    Vitamin D helps to absorb calcium and without it calcium can not be absorbed and if you take large amounts of calcium you also need to take a magnesium supplement as too much calcium can lead to preferential absorption of calcium at the expense of magnesium and that can create a magnesium deficiency.

  5. Taking calcium with iron reduces the effect of both minerals.

    A high protein diet prohibits calcium absorption, and consumption of soft drinks (high in phosphorus) causes the body to excrete calcium.

    Sufficient amounts of Vitamin D are needed for calcium uptake.

    Antacids (such as Tums) should be avoided, despite the claim that they are a good source of calcium.  They neutralize stomach acid, and the acidity is required for calcium absorption.

    The best source of calcium is food.  (sesame seeds, soybeans, almonds, flax seeds, dandilion greens, brazil nuts...)

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