
What is the best type of cigarettes? harmful and not that harmful?

by  |  earlier

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i am talking about the lights and stuff. and the kind u can buy at like 7 11. under $6.




  1. Harmful... ALL OF THEM!!

    and not harmful...umm when did those even come out yet?!

  2. no such thing

  3. why waste your money on cigarettes with all the prices raising?

    To answer your question-

    any kind will do. they all give you so sort of disease and there all harmful. Why do you think they call them cancer sticks?

  4. just dont smoke :) its no good for youu

  5. When you see cigarettes that say lights or Ultra lights. Its about FLAVOR. Not levels of toxins.

  6. harmful --ALL


    not that harmful -- Don't exist yet.

  7. no cigaretts are NON HARMFUL!

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