
What is the best type of cosmetic fat reduction method for a mid-thirties male?

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I am a mid-thirties Indian male with a paunch and fatty face and fat around my chest.

Work out quite regularly now but have a long long way to go if I am going to get rid of the tummy.

What is the best fat-reduction technique (surgical or chemical) I can use? I am on a 5 day a week gym reduction but have a good 14 lbs extra fat on my stomach area which I want to shift.




  1. liposuction

  2. liposuction, or liposculpting.

  3. Lipo or a tummy tuck.

  4. Well loosing fat is not a big thing now. I had the same problem. I used this product called "FAT LOSS FOR IDIOTS" and it worked for me. I live in sri lanka and I think that's the best product for south asians

    You can get it here:

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