
What is the best type of dancing for a beginner to learn?

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I am thinking about taking up dancing lessons.What are the different types and forms of dancing which are useful to learn and most common.Also what ones are ideal to learn first for a beginner?.Also how much commitment roughly per week and how long would it take to become good in the steps and moves for the particular dance?.

I don't have a dancing partner at this stage to go with to the lessons,do you usually need one?.Thanks for your help.




  1. its always good to learn basics.:) go old school, locking and popping.:) From there go anywhere you like.;)  you could go, isolations, strat, krump, different stuff. mix and match.:) look for your own style.;) at the start, it would nice to have someone there with you to share the emotions.:)never quit though.:P i dunno how much is enough for you.  coz dancing's my life. anytime given the chance i would dance.:P  

  2. western dance it is easy to learn

  3. Check these out

  4. Most people here will say ballet. And i have to agree. It is the foundation of all dance. With ballet, you will easily be able to branch out into any style of dance you choose.

    Ballet can take anywhere room as little as 45 minutes a week commitment to as many hours as you can fit in a day! Just find a school that is right for your needs!

    To become good at ballet takes time. I would say after about 3 years of solid training you could be fairly good, but not brilliant. Even professional ballet dancers still work every day to become better.

  5. Ballet!

  6. Ballet is the best choice!

  7. I would say ballet if you're wanting to take dance somewhere rather than just doing it for fun. Most structured dance styles refer back to ballet, for instance a tap teacher will still tell you to plie or start in a 2nd position. It helps you find your posture and alignment, and teaches you the common vocabulary of dance.

    If you mean ballroom type dancing, I've not done much of it but I hear Salsa's a good place to start. The classes I've seen advertised tend to stress on the poster that no partner is necessary, and if there's an odd number of people, the teacher will pair up with someone.

  8. Well it all depends. It depends how old you are and also exactly what type you want to do.

    ~BALLROOM~ i don'tt really know much about about ballroom but if you go to your local dance studioI'mm sure they will put you in theappropriatee class.

    If you really want to become a goodexperiencedd dancer i would suggest doing ballet. If you want to go for fun i suggest hip hop or jazz. Most good dance studios will put you in a class that suits your ability or age sodon'tt stress about that!!

    Dancing is so much fun and i highly recommend you do it!!!!!

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