
What is the best type of gun for a female?

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I live in California and this morning I woke up to my car window smashed and my handbag gone. I'm so freaked out now that I've decided to invest in a gun. However, I'm completely clueless when it comes to which type would be best for me. I just want something little to carry around with me on nights when I know I'm going to be alone. I also don't want a gun that would do a lot of damage...if that is even possible! Which one would be best? Thanks!




  1. Desert eagle!

  2. IMO, anyone's first gun should be a .22 revolver.  Easy to work and not much kick.  Then you can work up.  I have a nice 8 shooter .22 revolver mostly for my friends who want to try shooting.

  3. Wow, that is a differrent approach.  I might need to shoot someone, but I don't want to hurt them to badly.  I don't know the laws in Cali, but wounding someone with a gun can open you up to litagation.  The person can take you to court for shooting them.  Of course they very likely won't win, but you still would be stuck with your lawyer fees. Never point a gun at something you don't intend to kill.  If you are afriad of hurting someone too much with a gun, then you probably aren't going to be able to shoot them in the first place.  I can't say that I would recomment mace or anything like it.  If they are close enough to spray in the face then their too close.  Like an poster above me stated a 9mm will be great for you.  You know you've been hit with a 9mm and is still very deadly, but you won't get large gaping holes with a standard 9mm round.  Definatly don't buy a .22, I've been shot by one on accident.  It was in the stomach, and in my opinion, you would have had to shoot me several times to stop me from hurting someone in the situation you are outlining.  You have to go take some safety classes.  I don't care what your state laws are, get some training with the gun you do purchase, this is really important.  Get your self a revolver.  They practically never jam and you don't need the extra capacity of a clip, your not going to be getting in any gun fights, so go for reliability.  Does Cali even allow concealed to carry, I wouldn't think they do, but they should.  If you shoot someone you could get into trouble when telling the officer it was in your handbag.  Just be careful.

  4. Get a revolver. They will always work. If it fails to fire it will go to the next round and not jam. "thats what my brother in the army told me"

    Also get dog.


  5. Try a .22 hand gun or a 9mm. neither cause too much damage and 11 year olds can shoot them.

    Small guns

    That would be my choice!

    Hope that helps.

  6. The best thing to do is go to a reputable gun store and ask the clerk.  However, you should first look into a gun safety course and the laws in California on owning a handgun.

    I have found that a lot of females prefer the "Baby" Glocks.  For self protection and stopping power get nothing less than a 9mm.  A 22 caliber will only slow down a bad guy, unless you are a sharpshooter and hit him in the right spot.  Sometimes a 22 won't penetrate thick clothing or hard denim (depending on distance).  

    However, with no prior knowledge on handguns, and you probably never firing one I suggest you invest in mace or Oleresin Capsicum pepper spray...perhaps even a personal taser.  This leaves you free from any liability, the burden of emotion after taking someones life, and if you miss with a firearm the bullet keeps going and may hit an innocent bystander.  With Pepper spray/Mace/Taser you can control the area that it is discharged in and there are no long lasting effects on the assailant.  They are all 99.9% proven to stop an attacker for long enough to get away to safety, and sometimes long enough for police to arrive.  Also, what would you do if the attacker got your new gun away from you?  You have to think about ALL the situations you could be in when it comes to Deadly/Defensive weapons.  Another thing is you can take a personal safety/defensive tactics class at a local police station or Gym.  Look them up they are around.

      I do want to add that jumping to purchase a gun because your purse was stolen from your car is a little extreme.  One way you can avoid all this is don't leave expensive items in your unattended vehicle.  Criminals are oppurtunistic, if you take the oppurtunity out of thier hands they won't commit crimes (not all, but most criminals of course).  It is the "Out of sight, Out of Mind" principle.  You were not in harms way and personal property or material items are not worth enough to kill or be killed over.

  7. Something like a .22 might be good, not much kick & small, you have to be able to aim it correctly though.


  8. , of course! You'll be amazed to find low price and high quality handbags there

  9. All guns do alot of damage.This is something u might wanna research further & then get training.

    A double action .380 has always been a personal favorite. low recoil &

    plenty of knock down power.

    think train &get permit first!

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