
What is the best type of hamster?

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of course i know to get a male because they are friendlier, right? i think the hamster i had a long time ago was a dwarf and it was mean! so whats the nicest more loving type a golden,teddy bear or what? i want a kind of big hamster that lives long likes to be held when i have the time doesnt bite much and oh lives alone i only want one hamster.thank you so much for all your help! i hope i can help you with your questions. [:




  1. My personal favorite is the Chinese Hamster. Out of all the different kinds, they are the friendliest and the cleanest.

    I don't really like the Syrians (also called Teddy Bear, Angora, Panda, Black Bear, Golden, etc) because they don't like to have cagemates, they have a strong smell, and they usually don't enjoy being handled. When it comes to these, the males are more friendly. With all the other types, it really doesn't matter which gender you get.

    I don't really like the Campbell's Dwarf Hamsters because they tend to be bitey. The Winter Whites look a lot like them though and are a little better.'s_...

    And I don't like the Roborovski's because they are just way too fast for me and I prefer animals who are a little slower and more handleable.

    Whatever kind you get, please go to a reputable breeder or a rescue instead of buying from a pet shop.

  2. Honestly iv always loved Siberian Dwarf hamsters.

  3. There is only one kind of large hamster, Syrians.  I have two females and one male and the girls are alot friendlier than my boy.  It just depends on how they were handled before you bought them.  I've also had rats and they make great pets too.  They're larger and seemed to like hanging out with me more.  I took them everywhere with me.

  4. Golden hamsters

    Theyre very sweet

  5. One that is born into money, seriously, if you have to have a hamster, get a rich one.

  6. Siberian Dwarf

  7. teddy bear they r really fuzzy

  8. I would get a teddy bear hamster they r really friendly.

  9. I think the best type of hamster is the orange and white ones (called Golden Hamsters). When they bite, they are more likely to make you bleed, but they are less likely to bite with good care. They also like to cuddle more!

  10. Hamsters are unfortunately short-lived animals. If one reaches an age of 2  you have done well. Also I've found hamsters b-o-r-i-n-g pets. Nocturnal and bity.

    Go for a Guinea Pig instead.

  11. I had a dwarf hamster he died last night. But he was the best hamster ever!! He NEVER bit, scratched hid from me ever!! When he saw me he would come right to the side of the cage and stand on his back feet when i put my hand in his cage he would crawl right into my hand. And yes male hamsters are nicer!!

    Rest In Peace Mr.Ping!!

  12. teddy bear. a teddy bear is actually just a syrian so if no teddy bears in your area, get a syrian.

  13. i would reccomend a winter white. the females are a bit territorial, so i would get a male ofcourse. i have one and at first they start out small, but after awhile they will get really fat and slow and loving, and if u train him right,they can learn to love being handeled. u can even train your hamster to respond to its name! winter whites dont bite much, well i take that back, i am hamster sitting for my friends female winter white and she is the devil, but once they r used to u they will rarely bite, and they arent very fast when theyre older, so u dont have to be as careful, and they get pretty big. they live about 2 to 2 and a half years on average, but if u take real good care of it, it might make it to three. good luck and have fun!!!

  14. Male fluffy Syrian are the best kind to have. I have had many, (golden/teddy bear are all types of syrian) I have had dwarfs before and they didn't seem as friendly and are very fast to catch because they are so small. I guess it really depends on each individual hamster. I have had my "teddy bear hamster" for going on 4 years now, so I believe they do typically live longer than dwarfs, but that also depends on the health of the hamster, every hamster is different.

  15. Syrian hamster or teddy bear (they are the same thing)

    I have one his name is Spunky.

    It doesn't matter the s*x females and males arer both friendly

  16. all hamsters are different, but I have a long haired teddy bear and he is the sweetest thing!

    the day we got him he let me hold him and feed him treats and pet him.

    he always pops out of his igloo to say hello to me, and he is just the sweetest thing EVER.

    that being said, I had a black teddy bear once, and it wasnt as nice.

    and I also currently have a dwarf, and he is a jerk.

    but my old bestfriend had one and it was super sweet.

  17. Get the furry kind.

  18. Chinese Dwarf Hamsters Are Adorable.

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