
What is the best type of volleyball stuff.?

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I am going into the 9th grade and need new volleyball stuff. I kneed shorts, long socks, shoes, and knee pads. I have no idea what kind to buy because i have never played before and i need to know what brands there are. So can you please post pictures of the volleyball clothing that is good for me

(I am a boy)

thanks in advance to you contributers




  1. The best clothes and accessories do not make the player. Work hard to learn the basics of the high school game before you look like a dork coming to practice with all brand new, squeaky clean gear, but don't understand the basics of the level you are playing at.

    In skateboarding, people like this are called posers. Don't be a poser.

    Some national level volleyball teams throughout the world can't afford to outfit their players with good volleyball shoes, but they could stuff the h**l out of a guy wearing the "best" gear.

  2. Smack is a really good brand.

    Mizuno is the most famous one.

    ASICS is awesome as well.

  3. If you're thinking the best brand of volleyball stuff will make you an amazing player think again.  But, despite that fact, ASICS is the best brand I know of.

  4. A lot of it depends on where you are playing. Like, if you are going to be playing outdoors, you want to buy the cheaper brands of volleyball gear because they can withstand more. I really like mizuno brand, but a lot of it depends on your personal preference too.

  5. >>i have to recommend..mizuno for volleyball stuff..but if you need a mikasa..

    >>you can buy any shorts there long as it is stretchable for when you bend and do flexible stuff..

    that kind will do.

    >>any long socks will do..well usually volleyball players dont need long socks cause long socks are usually for games played on grass or something..its usually for and softball..

    >>shoes..i recommend addidas or nike..anything as long its for sports not the ones with style..

    thats mizuno.

    but any shoe will do. as long as its still okay.

    >>knee pads? the ones with good quality like mizuno..

    but you can buy any knee pad, it doesnt neccesarily have to be mizuno..

    okay. hope you do good in volleyball.

  6. asics i find make good, sturdy and comfortable equippement and it looks good

    i use all asics equipemment and ive been playing for 10 years and ive always used it

  7. asics is my favorite!

    mizuno is also very good, too.

    and if you are looking to buy a volleyball, i would recommend mikasa or tachikara.

    here are some asics men's volleyball shoes:

    and here are some mizuno men's volleyball shoes:

    what type of shorts  you have doesn't really matter, and pretty much any knee pad would be good, but asics or nike knee pads are prolly the best.

    and your socks won't matter either, as long as you have long, knee highs.  asics has soem pretty good knee high socks.

    here is some asics stuff:

    here is some mizuno stuff:

    hope this helps!

  8. I think Mizuno is the best for equipment.

    For balls I'd say molten

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