
What is the best university for study abroad in the UK?

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I'm hoping to study abroad for a semester in the UK. I've been looking into Leeds, Sussex, and Royal Holloway. What do you think of those universities? I'm a student from The U.S. majoring in Communication (aka Media arts). I'm also looking for a vibrant community, specifically a vibrant Jewish community.




  1. Hey,

    Studying abroad in the UK is a great experience. Choosing the university you want to attend really depends on your financial situation. Studying in England is very expensive, as the value to the Pound is double the American Dollar.

    Royal Holloway is a university under the University of London charter, which is highly respected throughout the world. They are not however, located in London. It is about a 30 minute bus ride if you would like to visit London. Leeds is a good university as well. University of Manchester, University of Newcastle, Imperial College London, Queen Mary, LSE, Oxford, Cambridge, etc. These are all reputable colleges/universities throughout England that are the preference for many students. Oxford and Cambridge are considered the best.

    As far as a vibrant community, you will find that all over England. London is the biggest city in Europe and many cultures are found throughout society, with a heavy Muslim community. A Jewish community is not prominent, but you may find some people of the Jewish faith. Life is totally different than that of the US, but it is definately a worthwhile experience.

    Hope this helps!! Take Care!!

  2. Hi,

    The Sussex is a good university, you can evaluate other options as well. You can visit . It's a good website for all study abroad information. They have a huge database of UK universities. You can chat with their counselors for free and get all relevant information.

  3. All those unis have excellent reputations.  London is, of course, the cultural epicentre of the UK and is definitely a vibrant city.However, as the previous post said, it doesn't really have a specifically Jewish community (although you'll still find it easy to fit in, I would have thought).  Also, the city is quite spread out and is the most expensive place for a student to live in the country.  On the other hand, Leeds is a fantastic to place to live.  It has the benefits of London (excellent shopping, nightlife, cultural diversity etc.) without being expensive or spread-out.  The uni is a ten-minute walk from the city centre and it's also a much friendlier city than London.  Similarly, the Unis of Manchester, Newcastle and Liverpool are all good unis in great cities.  Liverpool has just been crowned the Culture Capital of Europe, I think.

    If it's a highly prestigious university you want, Oxford and Cambridge - and then perhaps Durham -  all considered the best unis in the UK.  However, they are all situated in much smaller cities (although nearish to London and Newcastle in Durham's case) and tend to have a smaller demographic in the types of people that attend. I.e. often wealthy private-schooled people and not many different ethnic groups, at least in my experience.

    Whichever uni you choose, I'm sure you'll enjoy it though!

  4. Univ of manchester

    kings college

    UCL, London

    queens college , london

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