
What is the best way for a football player to gain weight?

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okay so obviously i want to gain all muscle or at least as much muscle as i can. does anyone have any ideas? if you do please help. and does protein powder really work cause i have been taking it but it doesn't seem to help. also i am doing this for football so i can have an edge on the other players. i also recently got injured so i couldn't lift for a while and i lost weight. please please help.




  1. u need a higher calories intake try proteins that are meant for gaining weight like weight gainers and things.  but after i got hurt i lost a lot of muscle and it took a while to get back (i tore my mcl) so good luck

  2. Drink ensure and buy protein shakes.

  3. lift and eat. Eggs, Steak, Turkey are all good foods (protein) A  couple people on my team took Creatine for a while, and they got big REAL quick (you have to lift when taking it though).  

  4. You probably have to use a weight gainer then start lifting to add mass and muscle

  5. Ok, here is what you do. Take in approximately 4,500 calories a day and exercise for approximately 2 1/2 hours per day. Do lots of weight assisted lunges. Carry about 90 pounds on your chest while doing deep knee lunges. This will put lots of muscle on your legs. Do about 20 sets of 10. This should take approximately 1 hour, 1 minute per set and 2 minutes rest between sets. Also do 200 push-ups a day. his will not add lots of Strength but it will help burn calories and tone. Then do your normal lifting schedule on top of all of that. The protein powder will help in building the muscle you want, which in turn adds weight. Building your legs, as you know from playing is one of the most advantageous ways for adding power to your game. Oh yeah don't forget to run as much as you can. I makes you think that you would lose weight but if you are eating at least 4,500 calories per day you will not have to worry. Oh yeah what position are you playing? If you are playing Line, drop the running and add in sit ups. Do 1000 sit ups per day (spread them out). This will add tons of core power, your coach will run you enough in preseason.

  6. they have in drugstores or pharmacies wheight gain you mix it into a drink and i think its the best way of gaining anytype of wieght  

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